Monday, April 4, 2011

Thou Shalt Not Covet

I don't consider myself to be a very materialistic person.  I never have had a desire to drive a fancy car or own a closet full of Coach purses.  But lately, I'm having some trouble with coveting.  For about a year now, RJ & I have been focused on bearing down on our debt, and we've made tremendous progress.  Even during our engagement, while we had all kinds of wedding expenses coming in, we were consistently paying off debt too.  Paying off debt is rewarding and motivating, but it's also a huge challenge!  We have had to deny ourselves many things that we see our friends and co-workers enjoying.  Examples include frequent eating out, new vehicles, cute clothes.  (Cute clothes applies to me, mostly.)

Anyway, I'm getting tired of denying ourselves these things.  I’m feeling like I want to be selfish.  I want to go on a shopping spree and buy tons of clothes!  I want to eat out every day for a month!  I want to go to Austin with RJ for the weekend and stay in a hotel and do whatever we want!  But most of all, I really want a new mattress.  Is that too much to ask?  Our mattress is old (I got it used three years ago), and it caves in the middle.  So we both find ourselves rolling toward the middle of the bed.  And it’s affecting my sleep.  I wake up in the middle of the night uncomfortable, and sometimes my back and neck muscles ache mildly throughout the day.   I know it is bad for a person to have a bad mattress, so I don’t feel like I’m being overly demanding here, but mattresses do cost money.  And we can’t afford it right now.  *Sigh.*  Oh well.  I will do my best to obey the Bible and not covet for now.  But man, when that day comes when we decide we can afford a new mattress…I am going to be sleeping with a BIG SMILE on my face.


  1. We are also the proud owners of a used and uneven mattress. And we've been having other things pop up that take priority over buying a new one (you know, like having a kid!). Have you considered getting a memory foam mattress topper? We got one at Costco about 5 years ago and it has made all the difference! It's not cheap, but it's a lot less than a new mattress and might delay the need for a new one for a few more years (at least it has for us). I love your honesty! Don't we all have selfish moments?

  2. Yes! We just got one. It's definitely helping!!

  3. What, is this my blog?! No, honestly, I was going to write a blog about how I just want a comfortable mattress. 10 years ago, I could have slept on rocks, but the last 2 years I have noticed that a good mattress really affects my sleep. So, we are in the same boat. We are waiting to sell our house in Abilene and then I am buying the most comfortable, non-noisy, soft pillow-toppy (my made up word)king size mattress that money can buy. And on wanting to spend money, there is just something about spending money that is a pressure release valve. I can relate completely to this. It is so hard to deny yourself the little things, like just picking up some hamburgers or buying a pair of tennis shoes because the old ones smell! It is a day to day practice to deny ourselves things that we don't really need and patience to save up for stuff that we could really use - like a good mattress (which is totally worth the money!).
